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29.5.2024LocalTapiola Group CEO Juha Koponen to leave his position at the end of JuneLocalTapiola Group CEO Juha Koponen has announced that he will leave his position as LocalTapiola Group CEO on 30 June 2024. Mr Koponen will serve in an advisory role in the group until the end of 2024. Group Business Director Pekka Antikainen will temporarily exercise LocalTapiola Group CEO’s operational functions, with Group Director Jari Eklund assuming chairmanship of LocalTapiola General’s and LocalTapiola Life’s Boards of Directors. The process to find a new CEO will be launched in June.
LähiTapiolan pääjohtaja Juha Koponen.
“Juha Koponen started in his position as CEO of LocalTapiola Group in 2020, and has led the group successfully during the exceptionally large changes that have taken place in our operating environment. His time as CEO has been marked by many major events including the COVID-19 pandemic, Russia’s war of aggression and significant cost inflation. Under Mr Koponen’s leadership, LocalTapiola has grown as a lifelong security company, and the group has been able to provide its nearly 1.8 million customers with cover in terms of health, investment and property while further advancing large-scale system reforms. The company’s position on the market is strong. Juha Koponen’s decision to retire from his position leaves the incoming CEO with a strong and developing group. We are delighted that Juha will remain in an advisory role for the rest of the year,” says Anssi Keinänen, Chair of LocalTapiola General Mutual Insurance Company’s Supervisory Board and the Cooperation Committee Chair.“My work as LocalTapiola Group’s CEO has been an extremely rewarding period in my professional career. I would like to extend my gratitude to all our customers, partners and other stakeholders. The most heartfelt thank you is due to the wonderful and professional staff working at our group for their outstanding work and commitment to the best customer service in the sector. As a team, we’ve succeeded to reinforce and develop LocalTapiola as a financial group that believes in local presence and builds and contributes to well-being in Finland. LocalTapiola has systematically grown, developed and advanced, in particular, its digital competences and sustainability work. I am proud of these achievements. For me personally, now is the right time to hand over the reins, and also to dedicate time to other areas of life,” says Juha Koponen.During June, LocalTapiola’s Cooperation Committee of the Supervisory Boards will launch the process to find a new CEO. Group Business Director Pekka Antikainen will temporarily exercise LocalTapiola Group CEO’s operational functions, with Group Director Jari Eklund assuming chairmanship of LocalTapiola General’s and LocalTapiola Life’s Boards of Directors.
Talous7.2.2025Eläkeuudistuksessa kierrettiin kansan suosikit ja inhokitKannatus eläkesijoitusten riskin kasvattamiselle on tuplaantunut reilussa kolmessa vuodessa. Yli kolmannes suomalaisista laskisi suuria eläkkeitä ja joka kolmas höllentäisi työtä tekevien eläkeläisten verotusta. Eläkeuudistuksessa sovituista toimenpiteistä voi jokainen ottaa oppia omassa eläkesäästämisessään, sanoo ekonomisti Hannu Nummiaro.Työelämä6.2.2025LähiTapiola on jälleen yksi Suomen innostavimmista työpaikoistaLähiTapiola-ryhmä on saavuttanut Suomen innostavimmat työpaikat -tunnustuksen. Saimme jälleen hienot tulokset ROIHU-henkilöstötutkimuksessamme ja nousimme näin upeasti Suomen innostavimpien yritysten joukkoon suurten organisaatioiden sarjassa – jo kuudetta vuotta peräkkäin. Talous24.1.2025Ostovoimakuoppa puolivälissä – keskituloisen elintasoon kahden kuukausipalkan kolausHintojen nousu on rokottanut 3 700 euroa kuussa tienaavan palkansaajan elintasoa noin 7 400 eurolla kolmessa ja puolessa vuodessa, laskee ekonomisti Hannu Nummiaro. Mikäli inflaatio pysyy aisoissa, kuluttajien ostovoima palautuu ensi vuoden aikana maltillisillakin palkankorotuksilla.
Katso lisää ajankohtaisia
UutishuoneAjankohtaistaLocalTapiola Group CEO Juha Koponen to leave his position at the end of JuneHaluatko silti vaihtaa kielen?KylläEn